Mental Health Info

Healing from Trauma

Amen, D. (2015). Change your brain, change your life. NY: Harmony Books.

Bass, E. & Davis, L. (2008): The courage to heal: A guide for women survivors of child sexual abuse. NY: William Morrow Paperback.

Eden, D. (2008). Energy medicine: Balancing your body’s energies for optimal health, joy, and vitality. NY: Penguin Group.

Emerson, D. & Hopper, E. (2011). Overcoming trauma through yoga: Reclaiming your body. CA: North Atlantic Books.

Hay, L. (2016). Mirror work. Hay House: CA.

Heller, L. & LaPierre, A. (2012). Healing developmental trauma: How early trauma affects self-regulation, self-image, and the capacity for relationship. CA: North Atlantic Books.

Levine, P. (2005). Healing trauma: A pioneering program for restoring the wisdom of your body. CO: Sounds True.

Levine, P. (2010). Unspoken voice; how the body releases trauma and restores goodness. CA: North Atlantic Books.

McGonigal, K. (2015). The upside of stress: Why stress is good for you and how to get good at it. NY: Penguin House.

Stearns, M. & Stearns, R. (2013). Yoga for emotional trauma. CA: New Harbinger.

Van der Kolk, B. (2015). The body keeps score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. NY: Penguin Publishing.

Zimbardo P., Sword, R., & Sword, R. (2012). Time cure: Overcoming PTSD with new psychology of time perspective therapy. CA: John Wiley & Sons.

Children of Narcissists/Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Lawson, C. (2000). Understanding the borderline mother: Helping her children transcend the intense, unpredictable, and volatile relationship. MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Mason, R. Kreger, R. (2010). Stop walking on eggshells. CA: New Harbinger.

Roth, K, Friedman, F. (2003). Surviving a borderline parent: How to heal your childhood wounds & build trust, boundaries, and self-esteem. CA: New Harbinger.

Simon, G. (2011). Character disturbance: The phenomenon of our age. IL: Parkhurst Brothers Books.


Rosenthal, N. (2012). Transcendence: Healing and transformation through transcendental meditation. NY: Penguin Group.

Singer, M. (2007). The untethered soul: The journey beyond yourself. CA: New Harbinger.


Gottman, J. & Silver, N. (2012). What makes love last? How to build trust and avoid betrayal. NY: Simon & Schuster.

Gottman, J. & Mordechai, J. (2015). The seven principles for making marriage work. NY: Harmony Books.

Levine. A. & Heller, R. (2010). Attached: The new science of adult attachment. NY: Penguin Publishers.


Estes, C. (1996). Women who run with the wolves: Myths and stories of the wild woman archetype. NY: Ballantine Books.

Northrup, C. (2010). Women’s bodies, women’s wisdom: Creating physical and emotional health and healing. NY: Random House.

Northrup, C. (2012). The wisdom of menopause. NY: Random House.


Cameron, J. (2002). The artist’s way: A spiritual path to higher creativity.

Chopra, D. (1994). The seven laws of spiritual success.

Dalai Lama. (1998). The art of happiness.

Dyer, W. (2012). Wishes fulfilled.

Gawain, S. (2010). Creative visualization.

Maslow, A. (2014). Toward a psychology of being.

Myss, C. (1997) The anatomy of the spirit.

Myss, C. (2003). Sacred contracts: Awakening your divine potential.

Tolle, E. (1997). The power of now.

Tolle, E. (2005). A new earth.

Villoldo, A. (2000). Shaman, healer, sage: How to heal yourself and others with energy medicine of the Americas

Williamson, M. (1992). A return to love.

Zukav, G. (1998). The seat of the soul.

Websites and Articles

PTSD, Anxiety, and Traumatic Stress

Panic Disorder


Depression APA

Chronic Illness and Depression

Support for loved one with mental health diagnosis

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